Are You Suffering From A Foot Fracture?

Many people, at some point in their lives, will develop foot problems, and one of the most common types of foot problems is a foot fracture. If foot fractures are not taken care of quickly, they can lead to serious problems and could potentially even permanently impair the sufferer's ability to walk. For that reason, it is important to be aware of the warning signs of a potential foot fracture and, if you notice these signs or even think you notice them, to get to a podiatrist like Jeffrey M Marks DPM right away for diagnosis and help.

Pain and Swelling

One of the major indicators that you could be suffering from a foot fracture is if you have pain and swelling in the foot. These symptoms typically indicate that there is some kind of problem or stress in the foot, so even if it doesn't turn out to be a fracture, it's still worth getting checked out.

Also be aware that another major indicator of a fracture is if the pain and swelling gets better when you rest your feet or sit for a prolonged period, so if the pain "comes and goes," then it very well could be caused by a foot fracture.


Another important thing to know about foot fractures is that, often, they can make the foot tender to the touch.

Whether you are experiencing pain or not, if one or more areas of your foot are very sensitive and hurt when touched, a foot fracture could be the cause.


It is also worthwhile to mention that, in some cases, the foot may become bruised soon after a fracture occurs or after putting strain or pressure on a fractured area of the foot.

Not everyone bruises, however, so if you do not experience bruising but you have other symptoms of a foot fracture, realize that it is still important to seek help.

Getting Help

If you experience any of these symptoms, visit a podiatrist who can quickly determine whether or not a foot fracture is to blame for the symptoms that you are experiencing.

If it turns out that you do have a foot fracture, there are many potential courses of treatment that could work for you. Your podiatrist can look at your specific fracture and help you to choose the best possible treatment option. Furthermore, the right podiatrist can help you to learn how to prevent foot fractures in the future.
